What’s the Best Evidence for Child Custody Cases

If divorce, abuse, or neglect has you worried about the safety of your child, you may decide it’s time to address the matter of custody. While the truth is the best evidence for child custody cases, proving it can be difficult. We’ve compiled some quick tips that will help improve your negotiation position and protect your child’s best interest.

Hire a Child Custody Investigator

Every child deserves a safe, happy, and healthy home life. But sometimes circumstances outside of their control put that at risk. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, concerned family member, caretaker, or foster family, you want what’s best for the child. This is when child custody investigations come into play. From a simple background report to full-scale surveillance, a child custody investigator can provide the evidence your attorney needs to prove your child is safer with you.

Start Collecting Evidence
Whether or not you hire an investigator, you should start compiling evidence you know of while it’s fresh in your mind. The best evidence for child custody includes:

  • Communication with the child’s other parent, such as text messages, voicemails, or emails
  • Photographs
  • Videos
  • Audio recordings
  • Social media posts
  • Scheduling issues including cancellations or rescheduling caused by the other parent
  • Personal records, including medical, financial, school, and police
  • Your child’s journal, if applicable

Keep a Daily Journal
A daily journal could become one of the most important pieces of evidence you have. Anyone can testify about what happened during specific exchanges involving your child. Having a record in front of you, in black and white, can help refresh your memory and keep you on track.

Make a Witness List
Some of the most influential evidence comes from unbiased witnesses who have personal and/or expert knowledge about you, the child’s other parent, or your child. Make a list of these potential witnesses, including family members, teachers, doctors, or employers. Share your list with your attorney, and you can work together to get them onboard to strengthen your case.

At the end of the day, the court is going to decide who gets custody of your child. You’ll want to do whatever you can to increase your chances of winning, so be sure to talk to a child custody investigator.

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