Who We Help

She Spies Private Eye is not only for individuals, but we also provide our services for businesses, law firms, and potential investors who want to get more information to make more informed decisions.

If you require deep background investigation or services such as corporate investigative services, business investigative services, or even a private investigator for law firm—you are in the right place.

Background Investigation for Individuals

Let’s say you have a hunch that your spouse is cheating on you or you have suspicions about your nanny stealing or committing child abuse. If that is the case, the first thing you would do is check surveillance footage and check your spouse’s phone. If you don’t make any significant discoveries from your actions, what is your next resort? That’s easy—all you need to do is call She Spies Private Eye for your background investigation needs.

Hiring and retaining a private investigator is not a common thing to do, and it may be beyond the knowledge of some people. Lucky for you, She Spies will walk you through everything you need to know about our process.

Our background investigations are not just for your suspicions but also for looking for long-lost relatives and loved ones, and tracking down your next of kin.

Corporate Investigative Services for Investors

Money and finances are something that you need to take seriously. If you are looking to invest some money in a private equity firm of any capacity—it is in your best interest to make sure your investment would go into safe hands.

With our corporate investigative services, we can discover the past of corporations and find out if they have a history of embellishment, harassment, litigiousness, and criminal or regulatory infractions.

Business Investigative Services for Businesses and Corporations

Doing investigative services for your business is essential, especially when hiring new executives, interviewing witnesses on internal cases, and gathering intelligence on competitors. With our business investigative services, you can rest assured that we can collect relevant information that would help you make more informed business decisions.

For example, suppose you are hiring a new manager you want to entrust your business to when you are away on vacation with your family. In that case, you will need us to make sure that a specific individual has no history of unlawful behavior. We also deal with other business issues like internal investigations that need fast action.

Private Investigator for Law Firm

She Spies Private Eye is an award-winning private investigation company trusted by well-renowned attorneys and law firms that provide 100% legal ways to win or settle cases in your favor.

In times of confusion and whether you are on the fence in determining if a lawsuit is worth filing due to lack of evidence, we are ready to help you gain the leverage you need to put the court in favor of your case. Read more on private investigations for law firms. 

Call She Spies Private Eye today in the Austin Metroplex at (512) 246-9889 or in the Dallas Metroplex at (214) 227-8177 for your FREE 30-minute consultation!